ABA Glossary App

Name of app: ABA Glossary

Which device(s) support this app: iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, android devices

Cost: Free

The ABA glossary app provides a quick and easy way to reference ABA terminology as a professional or a parent who is working with or caring for an individual with ASD.

This app is available for free on any apple or android device. It serves as a portable dictionary that is easy to search, limiting its information to the field of applied behaviour analysis.

Definitions included in this app range in their level of technicality. Some terms you search will have more than one definition listed. Often, one or more of the definitions are quite technical while others are simplified and/or use layman’s terms. The range of terminology may be useful is you are using this app with a parent or community stakeholder who is not as familiar with the language of ABA.

To download the app on any apple device, follow the steps below:

  1. Click on the ‘App Store’ icon on your main screen

iphone home screen1

2.  Search ‘ABA Glossary’

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3.  Click the ‘FREE’ icon on the right hand side

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4.  Click the same icon that now reads ‘Install’

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5.  Click the ‘Open’ icon on the right hand side to open the app

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To search for a term using the app, follow the steps below:

  1. Open the app to the main screen

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2.  Click ‘search’

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3.  Type the term into the search bar across the top

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4.  Select the definition (note: there may be more than one)

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Other features include:

  1. Menu bar at the top right of the screen

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2.  Ability to save common terms into a separate menu

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3.  Ability to share definitions with other e-sources

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4 thoughts on “ABA Glossary App

    • Hi Jenn,

      It is actually an iPhone app, so you will need to search under iPhone only. That option is available in the top left corner in your search results. Hope that helps!

      Thanks! ABA Technology Team


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